
Gum Diseasee - Ft. Worth, TX

Have Tender, Bleeding Gums?


Know the Dangers of Gum Disease

Gum disease may start quietly—you notice your gums feel more tender or bleed when you brush and floss—but it can quickly become a serious problem affecting both your oral and physical health. Gum disease begins when plaque accumulated on your teeth is left to harden into bacteria-producing calculus. This bacteria will begin to inflame the gums, which will become tender and pull away from your teeth. If the calculus and bacteria are not cleared from the teeth, this inflammation and infection will continue to worsen, harming gums, teeth, and bone.

Bacteria can also enter your bloodstream through these weakened tissues, prompting an inflammatory response that’s been known to aggravate systemic problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and even stroke. More than giving you chronic bad breath or deep pockets around your teeth, gum disease can be dangerous to the health of your entire body! Our dentists are experienced in treating gum disease in Fort Worth, TX and can restore your smile and overall health with our periodontal therapies, including laser gum disease treatment.

Do You Have Signs of Gum Disease?


Our Periodontal Treatments

Don’t ignore the signs of gum disease!

We can treat your symptoms.